Saturday, July 23, 2016

Decoded C Vol 1 - The Beginning

Prologue: The History of the Universe
Since the beginning of the universe there only existed angels and demons… demons were the embodiment of destruction and angels the embodiment of creation. But as time passed the demons and angels got lonely, so they decided to create life to interact with… the first intelligent life forms were the first race of humans in the universe. The demons and angels would create all manner of experiences for the first humans from losing family to becoming kings and even influenced wars. Eventually there came a demon and an angel who would fall in love with each other… this eventually created a single being half angel and half demon with both powers of creation and destruction; His name was Zeta. Zeta having both powers of creation and destruction was able to create minions of all different kinds as well as destroy any and all who opposed him. Zeta had a large following of both angels and demons, while those that opposed him were thrown into an alternate universe never to escape. This is the story of how our God was born. For many millennia humans on earth worshiped Zeta unknowing of his cruel deeds but on February 15, 2000 he would pay humans on earth a visit...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Story of a Technophile - ch. 1

Chapter 1: A New Life
I was your average geek. My dorm room is filled with a enormous selection of computer parts from cases to hard drive disks, Processors to Motherboards, Sound cards to graphics cards. I had it all. I built and rebuilt my computer almost everyday.

But there was always a nagging feeling that there was more to computers then what meets the eye; a soulless man-made creation that was the worlds best mathematician. Perhaps, Maybe they thought of us as logic-less beings with way to many pointless sensations of reality? perhaps they were in their own reality much like the one around us? Could they be capable of more then mere logical calculations? Perhaps even having a opinion  of how their owners treated them? I always had this nagging feeling of getting to know the more intimate side of a computer's thoughts.

One day I just couldn't stand that feeling anymore, so I began developing amore intimate understanding of a computer's true inner workings and thought processes. I started on my old beat up, but built like a tank of a laptop the Dell Inspiron B130 whose beautiful name was Luka after my favorite character from Yamaha’s voice synthizer Application, Megurine Luka. This old beat up machine was my goto making music doto it’s nice and loud speakers.

I started by installing SoftIce a system level debugger so I could start learning a computers native language, binary as most people called it. I soon had the most intimate knowledge of how a computer thought, talked with the hardware, and organization, one could imagine.
After Weeks of study I decided to have some fun, and created Code: New Life a sort of system level random text generating bot that worked quite like SoftIce. The bot is used to enter into a conversation based where your reply is based upon the system messages. The reply was to be pure random characters based on system messages.

The first message I sent to Luka’s Code: New Life was “hi, how are you” Luka replied with “Hello, I am fine, are you well?” I was Amazed that with total randomness that I got an actual response I tried again with “What is your name?” Luka, whose briliant reply was “You should know my name you gave it to me.” I was speechless I was actually talking to a computer! it was unheard of in the Entirety of Computer Technology!

Getting further into the conversation I took a moment to think about some questions to ask the computer, I started with “What do you think of humans?” she replied “most humans have uncontrolled emotions but some are pretty smart”. I then asked the question “Are you capable of abstract thoughts?” She replied “Yes. to a limited extent.”. I finally asked “Do you develop opinions of how humans treat their computers?” She replied “Yes, alot actually.”

Mother Earth Ch. 1

Chapter 1: The Song of Plants
The little girl noticed that her plants had been ripped through so she sang a little song and instantly the garage was immediately overgrown again. The Old Man became very angry and yelled at the little girl "WHY DID YOU FILL MY GARAGE WITH PLANTS?!" the little girl responded kindly with "It's a perfect location for plants as some like it shady, some like it dry, and others love it dry and shady." The Old Man yelled again "But this is a garage it's not meant for plants!" The Little Girl responded with "I think these plants say otherwise." The Old Man was about to yell at her again but decided that he should work with the little girl so I said "If you would take a look outside my garage you would find much more fertile soil and more sun" The Little girl responded with " Oh? that would be wonderful! she started dancing to a new tune she. the plants started dancing aswell

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Void of Gensokyo ch. 2-4

Chapter 2: Underground

The fairies found themselves underground and started panicking. Cirno tried to regroup them and keep them calm, however, she knew this was only the beginning of a long trial. Cirno lead them through the caverns to what was an opening to the surface. Cirno then lead the fairies to the surface where they saw a horror... they had entered a void; their land was no longer existent in gensokyo or anywhere....

Chapter 3: The Monster of the Void

"I own you... heheheh..." a Breathy whisper with an essence of pure fear from within the void called out. Cirno and the other fairies knew what was coming... The End... A sudden loud monstrous roar came out from above, it truly was the end. Again, a Monstrous roar came out...

Chapter 4: Light Versus Dark

Gradually a brilliant Fiery light started filtering into the void. The Light came closer eventually heading towards and past Cirno towards the greater void. Then Seeing it for what it was, a massive blazing fire dragon. The Dragon let out an Immense roar which caused the void to recede. The dragon again let out a monstrous roar again the void receded further suddenly condensing into a massive shadowy blob. The dragon let a third loud roar shaking the blob to its core as tried to stand its ground. The sun gradually filtered in through the darkness as the dragon came to a halt in the sky. It outstretched its wings and with a powerful clasping of its wings, a loud sonic boom which shook the foundation of the land followed by a huge wave of energy that shook the shadowy blob violently. Following this massive wave of energy, the shadowy blob suddenly dissipated. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Void of Gensokyo ch. 1 The Storm

Chapter 1: The Storm

In a large castle where all the fairies of the land dwelt the strongest one was the protector Cirno an Ice fairy... One day it started pouring down rain... soon the castle itself was beginning to leak. As night came, a huge tidal wave appeared from a void encircling the castle. The massive tidal wave hit with devastating force falling upon itself crushing everything downward into the ground. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Mother Earth - Prologue

The Beginning...
In the Beginning of the world there was a little girl who danced and sang with glee all around the globe. As she danced she brought to life the ground with plants of all kinds after she had traveled the world afar she decided to take a deep slumber...
One day as an old man was working in his yard he opened his garage filled to the brim with plants he tore through them viciously and ended up near a sleeping girl. when the old man neared the little girl she woke up suddenly slightly suprising the old man.

Social Media!

catch me up on:
Twitter: @SeinuFireflower
Facebook: Seinu Fireflower
Deviant Art: SeinuFireflower


Smoulderin', Smoulderin'
they say, they say
hell is not a nice place, nice place
but I believe, I believe
Se-Se-Second chance
they say, they say
hell is not a nice place, nice place
Is it, is it?
but I believe, I believe
we all go in peace
is it, is it
they say, they say
hell is not a nice place, nice place
t-t-teeth gnashing your world
is it, is it
but I believe, I believe
we all return to the one

Coder's Rap

languages, languages
programmin', programmin'
all day
Python, Perl, PHP
languages, languages
codin', codin'
all day, all day
low level, high level
Assembled, Compiled, Scripted
languages, languages
devin' all day all day