Saturday, July 23, 2016

Decoded C Vol 1 - The Beginning

Prologue: The History of the Universe
Since the beginning of the universe there only existed angels and demons… demons were the embodiment of destruction and angels the embodiment of creation. But as time passed the demons and angels got lonely, so they decided to create life to interact with… the first intelligent life forms were the first race of humans in the universe. The demons and angels would create all manner of experiences for the first humans from losing family to becoming kings and even influenced wars. Eventually there came a demon and an angel who would fall in love with each other… this eventually created a single being half angel and half demon with both powers of creation and destruction; His name was Zeta. Zeta having both powers of creation and destruction was able to create minions of all different kinds as well as destroy any and all who opposed him. Zeta had a large following of both angels and demons, while those that opposed him were thrown into an alternate universe never to escape. This is the story of how our God was born. For many millennia humans on earth worshiped Zeta unknowing of his cruel deeds but on February 15, 2000 he would pay humans on earth a visit...

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