Saturday, August 3, 2013

Energy 101 Part 1 - Basis of Energy Work

        Qi, Chi, Ether, Aether, Life Force, Orgone, or just Energy all the same thing and existent in every part of the universe. To begin working with this Force or Energy you must have Faith, or believe ttat it exists.

        A Simple exercise to feel energy is to hold your fingers bent each facing the same on the other hand but not touching. You should feel a slight tingling at the tips of each finger, this is energy flowing between them. Another exercise is to form a ball of energy using the palms of your hands. Start by holding your hands close like a ball is between them then imagine a ball of energy existing between your hands. You should feel a slight but real presence between your hands, you can stretch this ball of energy by  pulling your hands further apart or compress it by  moving your hands closer together.

        Upon this basis can an infinite array of other types, uses, and methods of working with energy be built upon. Think  of other ways to work with this energy and please only use it only for benevolent purposes.

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