Friday, August 9, 2013

Energy 101 - Part 2: Qualities of Energy

        Qualities of energy, there are many qualities ranging from elemental to emotional to effect based. The qualities of energy are only as limited as your imagination.

        I'll start with elemental energy, take the basic energy from part 1 a imagine you have a ball of fire, water, magnetic just about anything. For fire you should feel a very strong warmth, for water a more cool and moist feeling, and so on.

        Emotional energy in the hands of the average person is normally quite chaotic. This is because most people don't take command of their emotions. Emotional energy can also be drawn upon to make a person feel happier or more loving.

        Effect based energy is created to cause an effect in someone or something. This can be an awakening or energizing effect a lifting effect for say the mood. there are quite a few effects that can be created, experiment and try new things.

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