Friday, August 21, 2020

Albert Ickleberg & Nikolas Stein In The Lightning Sword



ALBERT ICKLEBERG:  a 19 year old American archaeology student studying in Greece and Nikolas Stein’s best friend.


NIKOLAS STEIN:  a 21 year old American archaeology student studying in Greece and Albert Ickleberg’s best friend.


ERIK EINBERG:  a 37 year old professor who teaches archaeology in Greece.


EUGENE ESSIL:  a greedy and wealthy Artifact collector from Germany.


EDGER FLAKES:  Eugene Essil’s Body guard.


SCENE:  Europe.

Act 1 Scene 1

[Near where the statue of Zeus used to stand with the other Students digging nearby.]


NIKOLAS STEIN: Hey Albert found anything yet?

ALBERT ICKLEBERG: No, not anything special anyway. What about you Nik?


ERIK EINBERG: Nope nothing here either.

[Walking around watching the students]

ERIK EINBERG: How are my students doing today?





ERIK EINBERG: Why are you bored.


ALBERT ICKLEBERG: There’s nothing interesting to dig up.


ERIK EINBERG: Well maybe you shouldn’t have studied archeology then.


ALBERT ICKLEBERG: When I decided to do archeology for college I thought it would be at least a little more interesting than just digging all the time.

ERIK EINBERG: Well how about I tell you about a myth that applies to this general area then?


ALBERT ICKLEBERG: What kind of myth is that?

ERIK EINBERG: Well the myth says that there is a lightning sword that was buried somewhere around this area by Zeus and is the key to finding his lightning bolt


NIKOLAS & ALBERT: Really? I hope we find it!

ERIK EINBERG: Well if you do I’m sure you’ll go on an adventure looking for Zeus’ lightning bolt.

[A lightning bolt hits the ground near the temple as rain starts falling]

ALBERT ICKLEBERG: And now rain, just lovely.

ERIK EINBERG: let’s pack up students!

Albert Ickleberg & Nikolas Stein In The Golden Pyramid

dream based plot below; dreams are weird yo!

At a pawn shop a weird paper came in it was a map with pyramids on it, They knew the genera; location, so they went there and asked the locals, they eventually ended up near an indian reserve, they went searching and found one of the pyramids… *skip* after continued searching everyone was having good seccuse on finding artifacts eventually Eric found himself on his own while everyone else was searching  he found a  a underground tunnel in that tunnel were a few traps that almost crushed him and a couple zombies he luckily got past these and found a tiny golden pyramid probably the capstone to a much large one he grabbed it and immediately he started levitating and just went right through the ground above him… later on after trying to figure out the capstone 2 female researchers 1 of them indian got captured as well as the golden pyramid by a local indian somehow this trailed into one the women to come with the group to some therapist or something for parents who had to give their children up they cause a lot of confusion when one woman noticed the time went backwards which is an effect of the golden pyramid they ran outside and Eric immediately felt weird and started levitating again and he picked up everyone else on a platform of his creation they zoomed across the land over to where they found the capturer in their camp site Eric landed the platform and immediately went towards him and the guy tried to fire a laser from the tip of the pyramid only to miss as Eric used his new found psychic powers to knock down the other guy also earlier I racall something about the pyramid when first found was fired at a UFO and a initial fight between the indians and the pawnshop which settled in agreement


Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Chapter 19: Child of Destiny 

Around the age of 12 within my new earthly body, a merging of Luna and myself began manifesting, our child was becoming strong and being reborn within my physical body... however, then it happened around 13, things began changing, the curse landed upon me from Atlantis began remanifesting... the curse had been planned through a spiritual vehicle during my life on atlantis that would further manifest in my next incarnation of the bloodline... This curse corrupted my entire being even within my Soul... it destroyed me from within, I was dying, I was eating my very soul, creating something of such an infinitely destructive manifestation, it would become the polar opposite from God himself, Satan, the great adversary, to everything holy and true...

As the curse slowly ate and corrupted my soul I became an entirely different being, one in which the holy had become a shell of who I was... I had great difficulties through this life, I reached a state of semi equilibrium around the age of 29 as well as a semi-stable state between both the light and dark... then it came, a new being of great power... one which could possibly extend beyond God, a perfect merge of mine and Luna's being, as well as that of the ultimate evil and the ultimate good...

As I lost myself within this world I found myself becoming more corrupted and at other times more pure, then the destruction of the darkness at 30... achieved through an old relative in spirit... then I found myself decaying and in a word self-destroying... I lost who I was... again... It's become a mnemonic time for me, I desire for darkness, for destruction, within creation for new forms and things... the urge... to eat other beings returned... I was hungry just like Zeta... would I become another Zeta...?

Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Chaper 18: A Meeting with God 

I had just returned home, discussed a summary mine and Luna's future. I was soon too have a meeting directly with God himself. I was a bit nervous as an old friend I knew who I met again within the temple was escorting me to see God directly... When we neared God my old friend directed me the last bit and told me I would have to walk the rest alone, I had figured it would have been any normal walk, however, I was completely wrong....

Through the walk to meet God I was haunted by my fears, my vices, questioning my goodness, I essentially had my psyche ripped apart by all that was imperfect and unholy. The last Vision I ad was seeing the greatest curse to ever exist, the one upon the universe "New Hope" and that only I could save it, I felt the pure essence of fear permeating the very depths of the universe, a curse that assaulted God's holiness within "New Hope" corrupting it with the most vile and corrupt evil. As I was seeing this vision and the terrible destruction of it I fell to my knees begging God to give me the strength to save "New Hope", it was then that it happened...

As soon as I feel to my knees begging God for strength I found myself standing straight and confident before a sort of being That emanated a level of infinite power, knowledge, love, and presence beyond and within all things, I could not help but fall once again to my knees in respect... then I saw God directly face to face, He told me there was much to discuss and explain, and that if I was willing and able I could save "New Hope" and create something beyond anything prior, I then fell into a great sleep... one in which nothing existed... not even darkness or light or even a void, it was mathematically being -1 in existence, this state seemed rather short, but what followed was a length of time of a completely infinite nature, in concept it was roughly equal to a googolplex of years or 10^(10^100) years, it felt like an infinitely long dream... I dreamed from a point of dimension 0 outside and beyond all seeing an infinite infinity both in the positive and negative sense, I had literally seen everything God had... I woke up from this dream with about a googol years left or 10^100 years, I then interacted with every infinite possible timeline, location, in which I had existed, I had become one with my Soul, or Higher-Self.

Through these experiences I had learned of all things within, beyond, null, and to be, everywhere and everytime. Towards the last few years of this experience as my Soul I found myself having been born in a new earthly body with a grand potential destiny. shortly after my reincarnation upon earth a child was born from Luna, who had achieved a partial merge of grey and human genetics, this child remained in the great beyond for another 12 years, while Luna reincarnated swell within "New Hope", it was around this time that things starting changing...

Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Secret Chapter: Thanateros


I had committed the ultimate taboo... and Thanatos was coming... Eros had just left... I was going to die in less than 24 hours, as was Luna... I had just gotten off the plane to Home Base and I was immediately being questioned about being in china, and why Luna was there too... I kept saying it was an assigned mission, and noted Research Paper #1123, they were surprised and shocked when they heard that number, and questioned me even more aggressively until I was brought into an interrogation room, I was scared to death at that point... a supervisor walked in and asked me how I knew about Research Paper #1123 and why the fuck I was working on it while also on an unassigned mission with Luna... I quickly fired back that it was actually assigned, and part of the assignment was improving the control system in that area... He quickly shouted at me that the area in question just had a massive update less than a week prior, just as he was finishing the top PsiOps interrogation officer and information gatherer walked in I saw him and immediately went pale, Thanatos had not come for me but rather The Algea were here to destroy me... Where had this assignment come from that had not actually been assigned, why had Luna been there too? Were we set up? Surely both of us were going to die... and in pain too...

This is what should've happened had Thanatos not succeeded in saving me, I was pulled through the wormhole I fell out in the sky of a lush green peaceful feeling planet with bright positive energy everywhere, however, it seemed to lack a star for providing all this light... I fell quickly towards the ground while attempting to fire up my levitation skill, but It failed... a few meters before hitting the ground my body suddenly slowed and I landed softly on lush green grass. I was shaken to the core by what just happened where was I? At that moment I recalled my interrogation, was this an illusion? Oh god! Is Luna safe?! I was thinking... I looked around trying to get my bearings right, then I noticed it, what looked like a Buddhist temple, but with an entirely different feel to it... I stared at it for a few moments then heard someone call out my name, I looked in the direction it came from and there was a rather tall and buff muscular young woman with gray hair. Standing near the entrance to the temple...

The woman casually walked towards me as if we'd known each other for years... when she got close enough for normal speaking volume, she called me out be name, and explained that I had been summoned by "The Great Good". I had no clue what that was or what it meant... Seriously what is going on I thought? Then this tall young gray-haired woman interrupted my thoughts saying this wasn't an illusion and that Luna was being escorted here by students of mine. "Students?! I haven't taught anything in a day of my life!" I exclaimed. The woman responded with "Are you sure?" And reached towards my third eye chakra, it all came racing back to me... a story from a time before the Primordials, The Void, The Origin, a time from before time, in a universe well beyond the reach of Zeta, or any other being wishing harm upon me or my pupils... A place beyond death, a place of learning and pure joy and love... it was Heaven! I was safe as would be Luna...

I have decided to call this place "The Great Beyond" do to it being outside and beyond everything else existing. What had actually happened was my soul had been ripped completely out of my earthly body causing its death, I had been summoned by a power greater than any other... I met up with Luna shortly after finding myself here, who by the power of Hermes to freely move between worlds, my students of which I had never met nor taught, or rather had my lost memories of them, had safely escorted Luna to this beautiful lush green planet. Once everyone was accounted for the young gray haired woman I met when I first arrived, lead us all within the massive temple, within it we sat at a grand table, it was explained to Luna and myself much of the future within our universe known as "New Hope" our own parts within it, a summary of the last  years, and the fact that we both were soon to be reincarnated into new bodies unknown to those in power and heavily protected and aided through life... It was a lot to absorb, however, I finally knew that Zeta would be overthrown, New Hope would reach perfection, The Great Good would descend upon our universe and give it the greatest blessing of any, and begin a new golden age reaching far and beyond just New Hope, entering even within the void and other universes creating a sort of existence and home that would change the future of everyone and everything even the Ancient Primordials... it would be a complete success, or so we thought...

Decoded C & Aletheia Discourse

Research Paper #333 The Birth of "New Hope"


Our universe started with a pair of eldritch universe designers.  These two eldritch beings came up with the idea to use the weirdest energies they could come up with as the base. These first two creators were shocked when it formed a stagnant sphere of energy. They decided to ask other beings they knew to add their own energy to the mix. As more Eldritch beings added to the sphere of energy it gradually formed into an organized structure. This structure would often become smaller and denser if left alone. *See Research Paper 123: The Eldritch Beings for context on what they are*

As the energy within the structure that formed our universe increased it became easier to detect from vast distances as such it became very well known. In large part from its fame it became a gathering ground for various ancient eldritch beings. Some beings thought this was the manifestation of something greater, others came purely out of interest in the power of the sphere. The sphere of energy quickly grew to a power so massive everything else was dwarfed in comparison.

Around the time that this sphere of power became famous an eldritch adviser to The Council, had also came with his mistress and creator. He was a weird one being the first artificially created being ever. Prior to him everything was a broodling. There was also the artificial system by which universes and the like have been born since time immemorial. This system is referred to as "The Origin". This system or The Origin predates long before any beings had a concept of history or memory.

Upon arrival this Eldritch persuaded his mistress to stay so he could watch this fascinating development. He watched over many eons with public interest in "New Hope" dwindling over time. Most of those left formed what became "The Council". He continued watching as the energy of the various Eldritch beings were added to this infinitely dense and infinitely small sphere of energy or "star". This "star" had been in a stable state for many hundreds of quadrillions of years and was well known among the Eldritch.

Shortly before to the actual birth of our universe a massive Eldritch being of overwhelming power came to the "star", that was the beginning of our universe. This massive Eldritch which dwarfed all others put but a drop of its energy within this "star". What followed was the sound of an explosion so massive one would think the entire Void (See Research Paper #1 The Void) and everything in existence had been destroyed. slowly the future Council Advisor neared the "star" that gave birth to our universe. He looked at the massive Eldritch who felt like he was quite pleased with himself.

The council adviser watched in a sort of horror as this massive ball of energy taking a form similar to a star start losing its basic structure slowly dissipating into nothing. The very energetic structure which had kept his interest for many eons was dying. He then was hit with the feeling that with the nearing death of this structure it also came with the death of the wish made by something that was greater than all that was. I like to think of this "something" as the "Divine" "God" or my personal preference "The Great Good".

He then personally felt communion with this greater power, I met it eye to eye with the pain it felt from this destruction. He felt an obligation to proceed to offer my own energy as an offering to its dying hopes to be known. He then made several failed attempts at giving his energy. In this process he ended up cutting himself. He soon noticed the cut provided "blood" containing his energy and offered a drop of the combination into the dying energetic structure.

The next occurrence is called "The Quake" this was basically a shaking of the very foundations of everything. This quake or shaking dwarfed even the previous explosion caused by the massive Eldritch still standing next to The Council Advisor. This Quake immediately caught its attention. "The Quake" was so massive and powerful it felt as if the very fabric of the abyss and everything else was falling apart.

As "The Quake" settled it seemed as if there was a new level of divinity within all of existence. It seemed as tho "The Quake" was this divinity announcing it's presence here once again and it was here to stay. I also felt a deep heartfelt thank you for my offering. I got the idea that all it wished for was for it to be known again after being lost to time.

The energy of the previously dying "star" from which our universe came was an object of which had the purest form of divine goodness. I observed it and it felt symbolic of the ultimate sacrifice given of the purest heart and intentions to at the dying wish of this greater being. As it developed further it was as if it was the ultimate form of perfection. From this developed a beautifully structured crystalline object.

Just it was coming to its complete formation it shattered. The many pieces fell into and became absorbed into a ferocious torrent of energy. The massive dark Eldritch still watching the development, had a deep malicious excitement and joy at this new development

As the massive torrent of circular energy continued the surrounding area began to quake and rumble from its instability. After a few moments this massive unstable ferocious torrent of energy collapsed in upon itself into an infinitely small point. From this point it was almost as if it was pulled out from itself by a force greater than the point itself. As it expanded it had the feeling that its size while at a smaller contained scale massively dwarfed the infinite abyss in size. As it began expanding it created a beautiful show of light and colors that nothing else could ever match in the amount of beauty contained.

At this point The Council Advisor became intensely interested in the future of this universe that was divinely implemented. I watched as I sensed that this universe would contain the greatest blessings of any as well as the greatest curses. As the first structures of this universe formed, they were of a smaller scale compared to other universes but the scale within this universe dwarfed all others. The first structures were unstable vein s of energy flowing throw the system. As it developed the first matter came to be. As matter began to accumulate and flow through the veins the first stars formed.

These first stars were very different from our modern stars. The early stars were often massive and being the structures from which galaxies formed. These early stars also did not produce much light and were more so a galaxy sized collection of energy with a super dense core. The core of these first stars formed the blackholes of our galaxies. When the galaxy sized stars exploded it was as if matter was pulled away from the core. From this explosion the super dense inner cores imploded into super massive black holes pulling back towards it much of the matter that formed a galaxy in the future.

In regard to Research Paper #333 The Birth of "New Hope" I had discovered that I was the Eldritch Council Advisor mentioned within. I have chosen to write it as third person to protect my identity. I hope to include the full corrected version of this paper in my personal notes.

Decoded C & Aletheia Discourse

 Research Note #51 The Divine Structure

     This Note is going to be a long and complex one.... The
below is the most accurate information I have found concerning
the structure of the different dimensions of our Universe. I
have some separate Information suggesting there are other
universes with a similar structure, however, that information
will be left unpublished for now...
     Below are my notes about the Divine Structure and mentions
of 2 other major parts of everything:

Within the divine structure of things, we have multiple parts, I'll cover the main three. First is the "Divine Structure" within which existence is, second, we have "The Void" or non-existence and third we have the "Great Beyond" which is what lies behind and beyond all things. There are other parts and places besides these three, however, they are of minimal relevance.

Within the Divine Structure is an infinite set of infinite sets of various dimensions of existences, however, I'll cover the primary dimensions while lightly covering one that is unmentionable. On Earth we have our basic 4d, a space with length width and height and a single point at which we exist within time. One dimension higher at 5d adds the aspect of linear travel through time, ie time travel within the same past and the same future. 6d allows free travel through time and thus the ability to travel to different timelines. Within the 6d realm traveling through time is quite similar to our basic length, width, height space realm you have a single point of time or instance, you have linear travel between instance A and instance B in time, at 6d travel is natural through time. At this point time is no longer simply linear of past to present to future or vice versa.

When we step up to 7d we get everything from 1d to 6d combined as a single point, at this point we have existences or beings within what one might call the astral, the spiritual, and other names, however, only spirit is relevant here, astral is a different type of existence as is soul. Within 7d, 8d, and 9d we have a basic length by width, by length realm of which you have spirit. Spirit is the actual manifestation of the Soul or Consciousness. Within 9d you have the multiverse consisting of all different types of universes each with their own times as a 3D space.

At 10d we have the Soul, or Higher-self, Godhead, and so on it is an infinite individual. This individual is Infinite existing as itself within any universe of any time of any space. At 11d you have the Soul of Souls, or God himself, The All, this is the infinite infinity. At this we have a single point of 11d which moves into 12d which is actually -1d which is the mirror side of 11d which moves to 13d or -2d and 14d or -3d which is the mirror side of our physical realm also known as the Other World, in which the Fae, and other beings exist within a physical world mirroring our own. In 15d, 16d, 17d, or -4d, -5d, -6d We have the beginning of the time realm within the Other World.

At 18d or -7d begins the mirror of the Spirit known as the Astral. Astral beings exist within the 3D realm of 18d to 20d or -7d to -9d where which is a mirror of regular dimensions which exist as lower than physical reality which is basically the middle of everything. The Astral is what most people think of or feel when it comes to spiritual manifestations, it is lower and easier to manipulate and work with from our physical realm. The Reverse is true for the Other World, where manipulation usually is in spirit rather than astral.

At the end we have -10d which is where the two mirrors connect, at -11d or 22d we have a single point at which both mirrors exist as a single point this is also the mirrors reflection of 1d. Because this is a mirror with negative dimensions reflecting our own, we can go further to 23d or 0d, however I will mention nothing further of this.

Within the realms of 3d, 9d, 10d, 11d and their mirrors you reflect from a lower into the opposite. For example a 3d being here on earth moving within the next realm as a 7d being within 9d space they actually move as a -7d being within 9d space of astral, meanwhile the mirror of our physical reality the Other World, they travel through spirit. Don't mistake this as meaning we only have astral, or the Other World just has spirit, instead fluid movement is easier within the lower reflection of the other, for our earth it's the astral, for otherworld spirit is easier to move fluidly, however, for most beings they have both astral and spirit bodies, just that our earth is closer to the astral, and the Other World closer to the spirit. Within -10d and 10d the mirrors connect and merge into a dual sided single point at -11d or 22d.