Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Chaper 18: A Meeting with God 

I had just returned home, discussed a summary mine and Luna's future. I was soon too have a meeting directly with God himself. I was a bit nervous as an old friend I knew who I met again within the temple was escorting me to see God directly... When we neared God my old friend directed me the last bit and told me I would have to walk the rest alone, I had figured it would have been any normal walk, however, I was completely wrong....

Through the walk to meet God I was haunted by my fears, my vices, questioning my goodness, I essentially had my psyche ripped apart by all that was imperfect and unholy. The last Vision I ad was seeing the greatest curse to ever exist, the one upon the universe "New Hope" and that only I could save it, I felt the pure essence of fear permeating the very depths of the universe, a curse that assaulted God's holiness within "New Hope" corrupting it with the most vile and corrupt evil. As I was seeing this vision and the terrible destruction of it I fell to my knees begging God to give me the strength to save "New Hope", it was then that it happened...

As soon as I feel to my knees begging God for strength I found myself standing straight and confident before a sort of being That emanated a level of infinite power, knowledge, love, and presence beyond and within all things, I could not help but fall once again to my knees in respect... then I saw God directly face to face, He told me there was much to discuss and explain, and that if I was willing and able I could save "New Hope" and create something beyond anything prior, I then fell into a great sleep... one in which nothing existed... not even darkness or light or even a void, it was mathematically being -1 in existence, this state seemed rather short, but what followed was a length of time of a completely infinite nature, in concept it was roughly equal to a googolplex of years or 10^(10^100) years, it felt like an infinitely long dream... I dreamed from a point of dimension 0 outside and beyond all seeing an infinite infinity both in the positive and negative sense, I had literally seen everything God had... I woke up from this dream with about a googol years left or 10^100 years, I then interacted with every infinite possible timeline, location, in which I had existed, I had become one with my Soul, or Higher-Self.

Through these experiences I had learned of all things within, beyond, null, and to be, everywhere and everytime. Towards the last few years of this experience as my Soul I found myself having been born in a new earthly body with a grand potential destiny. shortly after my reincarnation upon earth a child was born from Luna, who had achieved a partial merge of grey and human genetics, this child remained in the great beyond for another 12 years, while Luna reincarnated swell within "New Hope", it was around this time that things starting changing...

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