Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 4 - Revolution!

 Chapter 16: New Hope

It's 9:44AM February 9, 2020... I just got out of a meeting within "New Hope". We have unearthed a massive amount of information about our universe and the function of it's various parts. These are separated into Research Notes #50, #51, and #55 all are unofficial personal research. I've also added extensive information to Research paper #333, interesting things are coming! There was also a discussion about merging the Greys and Humans, we now have a handful of ideas that could work. We also discussed how we can achieve a successful revolution to overthrow Zeta. Everybody agreed that we must find a way to create a being both light and dark that isn't evil like Zeta. Plans are in place to study this in the future. Lastly, we discussed attempts to find and contact the old Council members from the very beginning of our universe. We will find a way to succeed!

It's been about 6 months since the discussion within New Hope about merging humans and Greys, however, everything has failed... I'm been working hard with a Hybrid Grey I've known for over a decade named Luna, however, nothing has worked... Can humans and Greys really merge their races? I'm currently assigned on a mission with her to build up the control system of Earth in China... We're current residing in an apartment, we've been discussing the merge of races, however, no new ideas have come forth... I've also been doing more personal research on my own past lives and Human bloodline which dates back to Atlantis and several interesting events since, oddly my bloodline and Luna's have been together since Atlantean times... I have compiled notes about this in Research notes #52, and #53, Research Note #54 contains current information about our relationship in our current lives. I have also been tasked with Research Paper #1576 containing information about Hybrid Grey reproduction systems, as well as expanding Research Papers #1042, #1045, and #1123 containing in-depth information about human and grey cooperation since when they first met in early Atlantis.

On a side note, Luna and myself have worked together for about a decade and a half now... We've been through thick and thin; we've been each other's favorite work partner for years now... I question if we might love each other...? I thought I'd ask her about it tomorrow... 

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