Research Note #51 The Divine Structure
This Note is going to be a long and complex one.... The
below is the most accurate information I have found concerning
the structure of the different dimensions of our Universe. I
have some separate Information suggesting there are other
universes with a similar structure, however, that information
will be left unpublished for now...
Below are my notes about the Divine Structure and mentions
of 2 other major parts of everything:
Within the divine structure of things, we have multiple parts, I'll cover the main three. First is the "Divine Structure" within which existence is, second, we have "The Void" or non-existence and third we have the "Great Beyond" which is what lies behind and beyond all things. There are other parts and places besides these three, however, they are of minimal relevance.
Within the Divine Structure is an infinite set of infinite sets of various dimensions of existences, however, I'll cover the primary dimensions while lightly covering one that is unmentionable. On Earth we have our basic 4d, a space with length width and height and a single point at which we exist within time. One dimension higher at 5d adds the aspect of linear travel through time, ie time travel within the same past and the same future. 6d allows free travel through time and thus the ability to travel to different timelines. Within the 6d realm traveling through time is quite similar to our basic length, width, height space realm you have a single point of time or instance, you have linear travel between instance A and instance B in time, at 6d travel is natural through time. At this point time is no longer simply linear of past to present to future or vice versa.
When we step up to 7d we get everything from 1d to 6d combined as a single point, at this point we have existences or beings within what one might call the astral, the spiritual, and other names, however, only spirit is relevant here, astral is a different type of existence as is soul. Within 7d, 8d, and 9d we have a basic length by width, by length realm of which you have spirit. Spirit is the actual manifestation of the Soul or Consciousness. Within 9d you have the multiverse consisting of all different types of universes each with their own times as a 3D space.
At 10d we have the Soul, or Higher-self, Godhead, and so on it is an infinite individual. This individual is Infinite existing as itself within any universe of any time of any space. At 11d you have the Soul of Souls, or God himself, The All, this is the infinite infinity. At this we have a single point of 11d which moves into 12d which is actually -1d which is the mirror side of 11d which moves to 13d or -2d and 14d or -3d which is the mirror side of our physical realm also known as the Other World, in which the Fae, and other beings exist within a physical world mirroring our own. In 15d, 16d, 17d, or -4d, -5d, -6d We have the beginning of the time realm within the Other World.
At 18d or -7d begins the mirror of the Spirit known as the Astral. Astral beings exist within the 3D realm of 18d to 20d or -7d to -9d where which is a mirror of regular dimensions which exist as lower than physical reality which is basically the middle of everything. The Astral is what most people think of or feel when it comes to spiritual manifestations, it is lower and easier to manipulate and work with from our physical realm. The Reverse is true for the Other World, where manipulation usually is in spirit rather than astral.
At the end we have -10d which is where the two mirrors connect, at -11d or 22d we have a single point at which both mirrors exist as a single point this is also the mirrors reflection of 1d. Because this is a mirror with negative dimensions reflecting our own, we can go further to 23d or 0d, however I will mention nothing further of this.
Within the realms of 3d, 9d, 10d, 11d and their mirrors you
reflect from a lower into the opposite. For example a 3d being
here on earth moving within the next realm as a 7d being within 9d space they actually move as a -7d being within 9d space of
astral, meanwhile the mirror of our physical reality the Other
World, they travel through spirit. Don't mistake this as meaning
we only have astral, or the Other World just has spirit, instead
fluid movement is easier within the lower reflection of the
other, for our earth it's the astral, for otherworld spirit is
easier to move fluidly, however, for most beings they have both
astral and spirit bodies, just that our earth is closer to the
astral, and the Other World closer to the spirit. Within -10d
and 10d the mirrors connect and merge into a dual sided single
point at -11d or 22d.
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