Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 2 - Chaos!

 Chapter 11: The Escape

I noticed after about a week that the alien leader and a few of his minions checks on us at regular times inside the cell. I suggested a plan for escape to the group; the plan is for one of us to attack the alien leader while the rest of us protect him during the fight while one of us then steals the key. We put the plan into action and succeeded. during the event I secretly created a huge mist in the area right after unlocking the cell door making escape much easier.

When we got out, we were near a very large body of water with a dock and many worn down boats. We all climbed in one of the boats and rushed to a nearby clearing several miles away. We then proceeded to sneak around the area eventually finding ourselves in suburban area. I told them to stay behind a large house while I go to the front to see what's around.

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