Friday, August 21, 2020

Core Aletheia W.I.P. Wall of Text Warning

 Core Belief one nobody can judge anyone else the basis they cannot be impartial however for issues such as legal systems or other methods of righting and proven wrong by another party a impartial judgement by a judge is suitably valid where increased levels of proven impartiality in judgement by a judge permits a judge greater merit, greater support of their life for remaining impartial, and ability to handle more difficult and/or serious cases in which higher levels of impartiality are by nature needed to give a proper judgement no one is perfect by nature of existence being imperfect itself but we can work towards higher levels of what is objectively true, legal discourse of righting wrongs are to have all evidence claims and so on collected in secret and remain secret until hearing after a meeting between the aggrived and the defender to agree on terms to which points they plan to bring up so that they can argue eachother on equal and agreed upon terms of conduct when the case is argued any involved third parties witness expert or otherwise are as a general rule of thumb to be kept anonymous outside of a record on paper to cite who the person is should discrepencies occur and citing the person by name is needed to refute or as part of the argument brought, however best efforts by legal experts covering the case should be done to prevent such a case, further if both parties agree that a person(s) should for someone be identified by name then such is legally binding unless both legal experts agree on paper with atleast one witness stating prior to the hearing that they have decided to make any such changes, further the case must be presented atleast 3 different times under currently unclear specifics in regards to legal matters, at the end the case all information provided in the case including witness names anonymized names if they were heard that way or real name if not and all data regarding the case should be provided freely to everyone as public domain while anonymizing any references to the aggrieved or defender by name so that people may use this as primarily educational material about various matters or as a sort of news that doto parties being anonymous cannot by it’s nature create a biased world view of the events that occurred

a core belief in Aletheia is that everyone has Thanatos at some point before once again assuming some form different from the previous. Thanatos or the God of Death or more accurately the god of peaceful death is the principle that unless extreme cases such as death directly involved with an intense emotion charge external to ones self such as spite of another, everyone experiences a peaceful passing on, this is not to say a violent death by disaster is not painful but at the point where the conciousness moves from a living body to the first stage of the death process called Thanatos which is peaceful, this first process by basis of the persons energy structure as to a more or less shadow to light appearance which is not implied as either being morally evil or good or of their energy body which is a different nature and seperate from this experience if they are shadow they generally will see darkness around them and may either fall withdraw within themselves or in some other way represent a sort of contractional property, where as light has a bright and airy environment with either a rising expanding or otherwise expansive quality. the shadow quality generally operates as an internal safe space where only you exist, light is one in generally one in which you exist around others you would expect to see after death. for the shadow experience you withdraw deeper into yourself to know thyself better and operate from that function shadow quality is generally a feature in which one experiences internal pains doto external properties,  the light experience is one in which someone was expansive or pushed their own self as valid and joyfully enjoyed it but not in a way that implies selfishness or a large ego, merely the expensive property, in the middle and balanced state which is the ideal. in this state to have Thanatos you generally see things as they are without a strong bias towards a certain subjective view that opposes another, in this state generally the 2nd stage starts immediately and normally skips the first stage. going back to the process of dark and light in the first stage when the shadow comes forth it’s usually evident that you either had more then you could handle in that life and need to withdraw and understand and strengthen yourself from within or that you never had enough to satisfy your cravings for life, thus like a black hole implode into a better understanding of those cravings their causes and why they didn’t satisfy you both experiences can at first be a shock after a death and mildly painful but the shock quickly resolves into a sort of void of which you either can only see your pain from a positive point in order to overcome them or see your ceaseless cravings also in a positive way in order to understand what would be enough or what would actually satiate the cravings, on the light side it’s generally an expansive process where you push yourself further outwards until you reach a level of equilibrium of which only you exist and only your own experience this leads into a stagnant state in which something new occurs as if by external influence which expands into stage two for shadow it’s a process of continual withrawel about that which is objectively positive for you that you can be safe within or within which you can find that which truly satiates your desires as it withdraws itself it eventually inverts in upon itself into and outside into a new direction of confidence of what can work of stage 2

stage 2 of grey is that of which you start out as your body seeing everything that ever happened to you every thought every thought of others everything that could possibly be linked as a reference in some way to yourself and you objectively learn and deeply absorb the lessons learned the values you had what you enjoyed what you disliked all that objectively was experienced as life in this process it is nearly instant and culminates of a walking up stairs or entering a gate or room which you inhabit either the astral or spiritual body depending on which side of the mirror worlds you died in here on earth as we know it will result in a spiritual body, if in the “other world” or the one of which fae and other beings exist the first body will be the astral, for the shadow stage two the process is upon inverting upon itself it instantly knows all that it is and all that it is capable of and in a flash expands and pushes that upon this thanatos experience all the power they have overiding that of the incarnations influence upon them and expands into a new stronger sense of self as the first body described previously, for the light it’s the reverse doto a lack of pressure to maintain an expansive state it crushes inwards upon itself and into the next body, this next body is the state in which we might associate which some examples of ghosts or paranormal experiences  but not all in this body we more or less see things from an external point looking at the physical process, for the argument that near-death experiences or those deaths that sadly do not result in thanatos likewise need explanation

firstly neardeath experiences usually come in one of two flavors one in which the event in some way caused them to eject out of their physical body into the astral and/or spiritual matrix causing them to have a ghostlike experience watching doctors rescue them etc with great detail and the other that in which some level of the thanatos death process occurs doto near death but at the same time not one in which the process cannot functionally complete proper resulting in various phenomona ranging from christian hell like experiences in which you identify and still are linked to the physical body and the normal process of withdraw upon an objective view of yourself is upon a subjective identity causing the effect that it is externally eating biting or on otherways effecting you by means of compression and withdraw upon what would normally bit itself objective self experiences of being in a void empty of nothing where the process doesn’t effectively start at all helucations of things representing or similar to the concept of the shadow promoted by Carl Jung in which it can at times using extremly fear inciting and aggressive means to rule over you and show what you hate and dislike and will not allow within yourself similar to the christian thought of what satan would but normally will not outright harm you in a direct and lasting way only one showing that shadow and everything it can do short of outright christian taking your soul and punishing you right there, the nature of the shadow is to take this stance when there is strong subjective views in order to force you to accept the shadow as a valid reason to change in some way, then there are the cases in which direct suffering does seem to occur in some hell like experiences which comes as a result impart from the shadow but with a wide array of variables effecting the exact outcome ranging from one with sexual undertones to one of imprisonment to one of being burned alive, there are also cases where you have those hell like experience and you also experience a virtuous figure saving you from such and doto the nature that their are many varieties of these cases and many variables which cause them, a exaustive list of them and their causes is not suited for this work, future dictionary, encyclopedic, and detailed history books covering specific examples will probably be developed at some point though not likely by completion by this physical device, for the light side they experience various phenomena such as seeing a virtuous figure or one suggesting such seeing the dead talking among them and generally following the same protocol it usually does, however, at some point cannot properly continue doto surivival in which you return the same way you came that is by rising expansive means that were the same you entered generally speaking this side of experiences tend to result in some level of knowledge that one is dead or might die as a variable in the normal process affecting it by knowledge of such might have minor variations such that the virtuous figure knowing you may not actually die and respond as such, in a way the thanatos experience can be described like a computer program that runs upon normal death conditions in which weird cases especially with near death bring in variables that it is not programmed to handle doto the nature of grey Thanatos it either runs the program proper and your entire life flashes before your eyes after which their are a wide variety of outcomes and variables causing such to describe at length here but more often then not either the program runs and you see your life or it does not and you have a general loosening of the astral/spiritual matrix that allows for detachment from the body you exist within and thus a high likelyhood of some kind of out of body experience, there are also sometimes cases where the light shadow matrix in the thanatos process screws up the initial paramiters doto near death experiences which result in mixed modality such as Life flashing before your eyes followed by a hell like or heaven like experience or a heaven like experience followed by a suddent fall into hell a hell like experience in which you are saved by a figure of virtue just to give a small list of basic common examples

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