Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Chapter 19: Child of Destiny 

Around the age of 12 within my new earthly body, a merging of Luna and myself began manifesting, our child was becoming strong and being reborn within my physical body... however, then it happened around 13, things began changing, the curse landed upon me from Atlantis began remanifesting... the curse had been planned through a spiritual vehicle during my life on atlantis that would further manifest in my next incarnation of the bloodline... This curse corrupted my entire being even within my Soul... it destroyed me from within, I was dying, I was eating my very soul, creating something of such an infinitely destructive manifestation, it would become the polar opposite from God himself, Satan, the great adversary, to everything holy and true...

As the curse slowly ate and corrupted my soul I became an entirely different being, one in which the holy had become a shell of who I was... I had great difficulties through this life, I reached a state of semi equilibrium around the age of 29 as well as a semi-stable state between both the light and dark... then it came, a new being of great power... one which could possibly extend beyond God, a perfect merge of mine and Luna's being, as well as that of the ultimate evil and the ultimate good...

As I lost myself within this world I found myself becoming more corrupted and at other times more pure, then the destruction of the darkness at 30... achieved through an old relative in spirit... then I found myself decaying and in a word self-destroying... I lost who I was... again... It's become a mnemonic time for me, I desire for darkness, for destruction, within creation for new forms and things... the urge... to eat other beings returned... I was hungry just like Zeta... would I become another Zeta...?

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