Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 5 - The Great Beyond

 Secret Chapter: Thanateros


I had committed the ultimate taboo... and Thanatos was coming... Eros had just left... I was going to die in less than 24 hours, as was Luna... I had just gotten off the plane to Home Base and I was immediately being questioned about being in china, and why Luna was there too... I kept saying it was an assigned mission, and noted Research Paper #1123, they were surprised and shocked when they heard that number, and questioned me even more aggressively until I was brought into an interrogation room, I was scared to death at that point... a supervisor walked in and asked me how I knew about Research Paper #1123 and why the fuck I was working on it while also on an unassigned mission with Luna... I quickly fired back that it was actually assigned, and part of the assignment was improving the control system in that area... He quickly shouted at me that the area in question just had a massive update less than a week prior, just as he was finishing the top PsiOps interrogation officer and information gatherer walked in I saw him and immediately went pale, Thanatos had not come for me but rather The Algea were here to destroy me... Where had this assignment come from that had not actually been assigned, why had Luna been there too? Were we set up? Surely both of us were going to die... and in pain too...

This is what should've happened had Thanatos not succeeded in saving me, I was pulled through the wormhole I fell out in the sky of a lush green peaceful feeling planet with bright positive energy everywhere, however, it seemed to lack a star for providing all this light... I fell quickly towards the ground while attempting to fire up my levitation skill, but It failed... a few meters before hitting the ground my body suddenly slowed and I landed softly on lush green grass. I was shaken to the core by what just happened where was I? At that moment I recalled my interrogation, was this an illusion? Oh god! Is Luna safe?! I was thinking... I looked around trying to get my bearings right, then I noticed it, what looked like a Buddhist temple, but with an entirely different feel to it... I stared at it for a few moments then heard someone call out my name, I looked in the direction it came from and there was a rather tall and buff muscular young woman with gray hair. Standing near the entrance to the temple...

The woman casually walked towards me as if we'd known each other for years... when she got close enough for normal speaking volume, she called me out be name, and explained that I had been summoned by "The Great Good". I had no clue what that was or what it meant... Seriously what is going on I thought? Then this tall young gray-haired woman interrupted my thoughts saying this wasn't an illusion and that Luna was being escorted here by students of mine. "Students?! I haven't taught anything in a day of my life!" I exclaimed. The woman responded with "Are you sure?" And reached towards my third eye chakra, it all came racing back to me... a story from a time before the Primordials, The Void, The Origin, a time from before time, in a universe well beyond the reach of Zeta, or any other being wishing harm upon me or my pupils... A place beyond death, a place of learning and pure joy and love... it was Heaven! I was safe as would be Luna...

I have decided to call this place "The Great Beyond" do to it being outside and beyond everything else existing. What had actually happened was my soul had been ripped completely out of my earthly body causing its death, I had been summoned by a power greater than any other... I met up with Luna shortly after finding myself here, who by the power of Hermes to freely move between worlds, my students of which I had never met nor taught, or rather had my lost memories of them, had safely escorted Luna to this beautiful lush green planet. Once everyone was accounted for the young gray haired woman I met when I first arrived, lead us all within the massive temple, within it we sat at a grand table, it was explained to Luna and myself much of the future within our universe known as "New Hope" our own parts within it, a summary of the last  years, and the fact that we both were soon to be reincarnated into new bodies unknown to those in power and heavily protected and aided through life... It was a lot to absorb, however, I finally knew that Zeta would be overthrown, New Hope would reach perfection, The Great Good would descend upon our universe and give it the greatest blessing of any, and begin a new golden age reaching far and beyond just New Hope, entering even within the void and other universes creating a sort of existence and home that would change the future of everyone and everything even the Ancient Primordials... it would be a complete success, or so we thought...

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