Friday, August 21, 2020

Albert Ickleberg & Nikolas Stein In The Golden Pyramid

dream based plot below; dreams are weird yo!

At a pawn shop a weird paper came in it was a map with pyramids on it, They knew the genera; location, so they went there and asked the locals, they eventually ended up near an indian reserve, they went searching and found one of the pyramids… *skip* after continued searching everyone was having good seccuse on finding artifacts eventually Eric found himself on his own while everyone else was searching  he found a  a underground tunnel in that tunnel were a few traps that almost crushed him and a couple zombies he luckily got past these and found a tiny golden pyramid probably the capstone to a much large one he grabbed it and immediately he started levitating and just went right through the ground above him… later on after trying to figure out the capstone 2 female researchers 1 of them indian got captured as well as the golden pyramid by a local indian somehow this trailed into one the women to come with the group to some therapist or something for parents who had to give their children up they cause a lot of confusion when one woman noticed the time went backwards which is an effect of the golden pyramid they ran outside and Eric immediately felt weird and started levitating again and he picked up everyone else on a platform of his creation they zoomed across the land over to where they found the capturer in their camp site Eric landed the platform and immediately went towards him and the guy tried to fire a laser from the tip of the pyramid only to miss as Eric used his new found psychic powers to knock down the other guy also earlier I racall something about the pyramid when first found was fired at a UFO and a initial fight between the indians and the pawnshop which settled in agreement


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