Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Vol 1 - The Beginning

 Chapter 6: The Control System

Under instruction of the "Elite" we were ordered to create various control systems. The end goal was to keep the populace dumb and unable to think for themselves... They started by erasing the fight with the aliens and Zeta from everyone's memory. They did this by putting up stations at all the key locations of the human universal field. This field connects human consciousness into a single consciousness. This field will for example spread an idea to everyone's consciousness once it reaches the point of "Critical Mass".

Television sets were made with a specific frequency of screen updating to greatly distract us... They also would add addictive chemicals to the food so that the sheeple would eat to the point of obesity. They had time consuming video games to further occupy the sheeple of the world... These are just a few parts of the "Control System" all to keep the populace under control, unable to properly analyze issues, and ultimately unable to overthrow the "Elite" and possibly even Zeta.

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