Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C & Aletheia Discourse

 Research Paper #666 - The Eldritch Gene

The Eldritch, also known as the Primordials, are the oldest beings in existence... There isn't a whole lot known about them outside of the fact they are old, however, through much research and personal accounts from several greys I've worked with the past few years I've come to learn of something I'd like to call the Eldritch Gene...

The Eldritch Gene is something unique to our universe, and goes back to its creation, the history of our universe is covered in research paper #333. The Eldritch Gene is a sub- atomic part of the DNA of every being in our universe derived from the original energy sources used to produce our universe. The energy producing the gene is divided as follows, to the Greys about 48%, Humans about 46% the rest of Earthbound beings another 2% and the rest of the universe 2% with the last 2% unmanifest. The Eldritch Gene the Greys have is the exact opposite of the Human version.

The Eldritch Gene born within Greys is the result of a lack of genetic diversity and is enhanced by adding random sub-atomic compounds to increase the diversity enhancing latent abilities for creativity, emotions, and expression. The human gene is a chaotic sub-atomic compound resulting in extreme emotionality and rage, and an inability to be rational and intelligent, and a general insanity similar to an ancient Eldritch, if this gene is stable enough it results in a less emotional, more rational and intellectual humans. The merging the two genes is needed for the future of humans and greys, however, merging has of yet to be obtained successfully... 

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