Friday, August 21, 2020

Decoded C Volume 3 - Reborn

 Chapter 15: New Earth!

New Earth! A throwback to Atlantis! Atlantis is deeply tied to our current earth, and perhaps from this and a secret group from Atlantis with knowledge of our future, Earth will be saved! It was roughly the years spanning 20,000B.C. to 16,0000B.C. The Greys, who at this time were a free and unconquered civilization were working with Atlanteans who had just made a peace pact with the rest of the world to build a massive structure that would produce infinite energy for everyone. This was not to last... by the year 18,000B.C. the Greys were in a full-scale war with the Reptilians, the Humans of what was to be New Earth were on their own building the energy system...

The result of this lack of help from the Greys produced an unbalanced energy system improperly utilizing Earth's own energy field. It produced a massive over production and movement of energy to Atlantis which caused a massive spike in advancing the Atlantean people while sapping the other nations of the world... Then Zeta came! Zeta was sitting on the Council of "New Hope", the name given to our universe by the Primordials. It was around the year 17,750B.C. when the Council found out about Humans and Greys their future scaring many Council members... they utilized the energy system of Atlantis to fuel a massive energy blast corrupting many timelines and far reaching distances, it all happened in an instant, but, started with an asteroid... There were two main factions on Atlantis during this time one which drew upon the even older Lemurians as a light side of the earth focusing on spiritual enlightenment, and the powerful technological leaders who wanted to use technology to control every part of earth and life...

At about the exact same time in year 16,987B.C. the technological leaders and spiritual leaders of Atlantis found out about a massive asteroid which was going to hit Earth in roughly 6 months... The Spiritual leaders saw into the future that it was meant to be, however, the technological leaders, were demanding we destroy the asteroid... Perhaps looking back it was the technological political leaders who were right, however, they were persuaded to let it pass and hit earth as it was meant to be... Changing the history of everything forever

Slightly later in the year 16,987B.C. roughly 3 months prior to impact there was a secret meeting between several technological and spiritual geniuses from the two factions who along with a handful of Greys who had stayed on earth to form their own faction having seen a future agreed on working together. They saw a that Atlantis was destroyed by a destructive event so massive that nothing had ever happened before it, even before the Primordials were born, nor would there ever be such a massive event in the future again... The results would split the universe effectively in two... The small group of the technological, and spiritual

geniuses and the handful of greys saw a New Earth roughly 20,000 years in the future caused directly by the massive destructive event, resulting in beings on this New Earth who were perfectly balanced who had unparalleled ability in everything they attempted. These beings and were effectively the new Gods who could rise above anything else even the ancient primordials. 

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